Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day Four

Day four of our 25 Days of Yum! Today we made Brownie Thins.  This cookie was a very funny cookie; the past cookies have been flat due to too much sugar or a wrong ingredient added into the mix, but today the cookies were supposed to be completely flat, and they were still a bit puffy. We discussed how funny it was that when we want something to be puffy, it is not, and when we want something to be flat it is puffy! Upon review, too much sugar and too much fat causes cookie spreading, and some cookie recipes use margarine instead of butter, as margarine will help a cookie keep its shape; however, we will not use margarine this month. Goes against our grain.

First we chopped chocolate, unsweetened. The reviews of the recipe said perhaps it might be too bitter, but we are purists and like to try it the original way first:

Then we put the chocolate in a pan over low heat with butter until mixed; this is the chef de cuisine mixing:

We mixed the rest of the ingredients, and this is what we got before the oven:

After the oven:

These cookies taste exactly like the crispy/chewy/crusty top of a brownie. The unsweetened chocolate makes it rich without being too sweet, and the two types of extracts deepen the flavor. We used walnuts instead of pistachios because it is what we had, and the brownies didn't suffer a bit. This is a definite keeper of a recipe. Only makes 24, though, so double the recipe for sharing.

The cat lovin' up the chef.  He had some appreciation to show:

Our extra today was butterscotch pots de creme (to use the extra two egg yolks from day 3):

At the end of the baking, we found a present under our Christmas tree:

Up Next: A Molasses Cookie. YUM!

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